Bathtub Refinishing Versus Bathtub Replacement

Bathtub Refinishing Versus Bathtub Replacement

Blog Article

Nobody enjoys using an old bathtub. Have you taken a close look at your bathtub lately? Does it have cracks, chipped enamel, and ugly looking stains? No matter how much you need a bath after a long, hard week in the office, you simply cannot get into something that is in such bad shape. You deserve a change! Lucky for you, you have a few options when your biggest problem is a worn-out bathtub. You can purchase a new tub, apply an acrylic liner, or start a bathtub refinishing project.

A lot of hard work is necessary when it comes to installations for bathrooms. This is where you need to consider spending some money. It is very important that you consider the tub and shower area when it comes to your bathroom remodeling stint. If necessary, you might need to think about tub refinishing or replacing in this case.

Now that your tub has legs, you can remove the jacking material and allow the tub to stand by itself. If it doesn't sit level you'll need tub surround remodel to install space washers on the legs until it does. You may only need a few washers, or possibly none, unless your house is badly out of level.

Is Their Warranty Transferable? What if you end up selling your property during the five year warranty period? It's important to find out if your warranty is transferable. Most Bathtub Resurfacing Contractors don't allow you to transfer your warranty, if you sell your property. If a problem arises after closing, you could be responsible, if you are no longer covered! Companies that try to cut corners on their warranties are unlikely to honor them in the reglazing tub event a real problem arises. They are looking for any excuse they can find to avoid fulfilling their responsibility to their clients!

Since a new bathtub costs only about a few hundred dollars, and since most people are able to afford that, you would think that most would readily decide to replace their worn out tub rather than repair it. However, replacement costs involve more than just the price of the new tub. There is the cost of demolition, the cost of removing and disposing the old tub, not to mention the cost of the plumbing, the cost of the tile work, and on and on. Soon your $200 new tub is costing you several thousand dollars instead. It turns out that in most cases, repairing the tub is much less expensive after all.

bath tub restoration involves washing the surface and applying a solvent. It will then be neutralized, etched and sandpapered. Restoration, when done properly will give your bathroom a new glow, making it look cleaner and brighter.

After years of use, refinishing bathtubs and bathroom tiles have become a more convenient way to fix bathroom fixtures than replacing them. Instead of having your tiles, your sink, and your tub removed and replaced, simply have them refinished, re-glazed and resurfaced. Have your tiles repainted and look good as new. Bring back that clean shine on your bathroom tub with bathtub refinishing services. Having your tub reglazed only takes a couple of hours to complete as compared to remodeling your entire bathroom which could take weeks, or worse, months.

You won't go wrong renovating an outdated kitchen or bathroom. For the kitchen, focus on the basics: refacing existing cabinets; installing a new wall oven, cooktop and sink; refinishing or overlaying old tiles. Rejuvenating an old bathroom costs much less than updating a kitchen. Enhancement works here can include the installation of a new bathtub or shower screen, WC and vanity counter.

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